Pratade med en kompis igår som var helt ointresserad av nya 90210. Småkillarna var inte tillräckligt snygga. Hm. Möjligt. Själv har jag inte ens noterat att det ska vara med några killar. Jag har bara ögon för de här tjejerna.
Vilket fantastiskt omslag!
Här är lite utdrag ur intervjun, som ni kan läsa i sin helhet i Entertainment Weekly.
EW: In Tori Spelling’s book sTORI Telling, she tells some pretty harsh stories about you, Shannen. Did you read the book?
DOHERTY: I will censor myself out of respect for Jennie because she’s friends with Tori. I got passages sent to me and a vast majority of it is incredibly exaggerated. Maybe it’s a difference of how I was raised. I just don’t believe you write personal on-set experiences in a book. For me, when you work it’s almost a sacred experience whether you get along with everyone or not. In 27 years of acting I’ve never sold out one of my cast members. Ever. And I will stick to that.EW: In the book it says you two got into a fistfight. That sounds very badass. But is it true?
GARTH: A fistfight? That makes us sound so tough.
DOHERTY: I know. Like we were serious gangsters.
GARTH: I didn’t read the book either.
EW: You’re thanked in it.
GARTH: For what? I wonder what I did. I asked Tori if I needed to read it and she said no, I shouldn’t bother.
EW: For the new 90210, you were both involved with determining where Kelly and Brenda were in their lives. Jennie, the producers initially wanted Kelly to be a West Beverly Hills High School board member, right? How did she become a guidance counselor?
GARTH: I didn’t want to be on the show for no reason. I wanted to have some value. When Gabe and [exec producer] Jeff [Judah] told me some of the things they were doing, I was like, ”Whoa. That is not 90210, people.” They were trying to educate me [about] how teens are in high school today. It was so shocking to me that I thought I should bring a positive spin somehow. Of course, I have yet to guide or counsel anyone.
DOHERTY: I think they must have told you the same things they told me.
EW: What kinds of things?
DOHERTY: All I know is there’s a girl giving a guy a b— job in the first episode.
GARTH: When they told me that, I thought, Aaron Spelling is rolling over in his grave right now.
Vem behöver se serien efter de första fyra avsnitten när Brenda inte är med mer?
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