Känns som det är lika bra att vi kör på med det här va?
Så för andra gången idag är det dags för mera rapporter från Upfront Week, och nu har turen kommit till Fox - en kanal som kanske mest är känd för sina patriotiskt vinklade nyheter och för att ha rättigheten till USAs absolut största TV-program American Idol.Då de dessutom har serier som House MD, 24, Prison Break och (inte minst) långköraren The Simpsons i sin tablå, så behöver de knappast svälta...men samtidigt har ju åtminstone Prison Break och 24 varit riktiga katastrofer kvalitétsmässigt (och besvikelser tittarmässigt) under 06/07, The O.C lades till slut ned i år efter flera år på fallrepet och ingen av serierna från ifjol blev någon hit (Drive, Justice, Vanished etc).
Fox har därför ändå satsat ganska stort – men man har gjort det lite annorlunda än brukligt. Eftersom man i år har rättigheterna till att sända Superbowl i början på 2008 så väntar man med några av sina största serier tills efter dess (så man kan marknadsföra dem i reklampauserna) och tablån ser därför ganska annorlunda ut beroende på om det är höst eller vårtermin...vilket reflekteras i tablån nedan:
20.00 Prison Break – Oj, vad de borde slutat med den serien för länge sedan...
21.00 K-Ville – NEW! Om brottsbekämpning i New Orleans post-Katrina. (se A) Inget som ger mig myspinne direkt.
20.00 K-Ville (Jan)/Prison Break(Mar)
21.00 24 – Producenterna lovar stora förändringar efter sjätte säsongens fiasko
20.00 New Amsterdam – NEW! Ingen mindre än Lasse Hallström har regisserat den här serien om en 1600-talspolis med evigt liv som löser brott i dagens NYC. (se B) Ska ge det en chans för att det är Lasse...men det känns onekligen ganska krystat.
21.00 House – Numera en av USAs absolut största serier...och en Oswaldfavorit
20.00 American Idol – Idol är gigantiskt i alla länder det går, men ingenstans så stort som här.
21.00 House
20.00 Back to You – NEW! Kealsy Grammer/Fraisers nya komedi utspelar sig på en nyhetsstation. (se C). Måste absolut kollas in - har saknat KealsyG.
20.30 'Til Death
21.00 Bones
20.00 Back to You
20.30 'Til Death (Jan)/The Return of Jezebel James (Mar) – NEW! Amy Sherman-Palladinos första försök efter Gilmore Girls har både indidrottningen Parker Posey och Six Feet Under-darlingen Lauren Ambrose i rollistan, och handlar om två systrar där den ene bär den andre att föda hennes barn. (se D) Många Oswaldfavoriter inblandade, så helt klart ett must-see.
21.00 American Idol (Jan)/American Idol Results Show (Mar)
21.30 American Idol (Jan)/'Til Death (Mar)
20. 00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? - Mera smarta barn... Hugah!
21.00 Kitchen Nightmares – NEW! Den brittiska succén med samme Gordon Ramsay flyttas över till USA där nya restauranger på fallrepet skall förvandlas till succéer. Älskar den brittiska varianten, så det här ska bli skoj.
20.00 Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?
21.00 Canterbury's Law – NEW! Mike Figgis (mannen bakom överskattade Leaving Las Vegas) regisserar Cityakutens Julianna Margulies när hon spelar en karriärshungrig advokat och Priest-Linus Roach spelar hennes man. (se E) Hmmm. Är man inte lite trött på advokater? Skulle vara för skådisarna då...
20.00 The Search For The Next Great American Band – NEW! Realitytävling a' la' Idol, men här skall det plockas fram ett bra band.
21.00 Nashville – NEW! Realityserie om framgångar och motgångar i musikindustrins Nashville.
20.00 Bones
21.00 New Amsterdam
20.00 The Simpsons – Klassikern som kanske tom får en nytändning efter långfilmen i sommar?
20.30 King of the Hill
21.00 Family Guy
21.30 American Dad
20.00 The Simpsons
20.30 Family Guy
21.00 The Sarah Connor Chronicles – NEW! Bygger såklart på Terminator-karaktärerna (men Sarah spelas av Lena Headey och inte Linda Hamilton) och är en av årets mest påkostade serier. Den har redan en egen hemsida och en massa klipp som bland annat finns HÄR och mera info under F nedan. Helt klart något jag tänker kolla in. Terminator2-flipp eller Terminator3-flopp?
Någonstans i allt det här ska de också få in komedin The Rules for Starting Over (se G) där Rashida Jones från The Office har en av de ledande rollerna (och kan väl därför antas försvinna ut ur serien i början av dess säsong fyra...bajbaj Karen. Dags för Jim att få sin Pam?). serien är dessutom skapad av bröderna Farrelly – männen bakom Dum Dummare, Kingpin och Den Där Mary.
A) K-VilleTwo years after Katrina, New Orleans is still in chaos. Criminals roam the streets with AK-47s, many cops have quit, and the jails, police stations and crime labs still haven't been rebuilt. But the cops who remain have courage to burn and a passion to reclaim their city.
Marlin Boulet is a brash, funny, in-your-face veteran of the NOPD's Felony Action Squad, the specialized unit that targets the most-wanted criminals. Even when his partner deserted him during the storm, Boulet held his post, spending days in the water saving lives and keeping order. Now, two years later, he's unapologetic about bending the rules when it comes to collaring bad guys. The stakes are too high, and the city too lawless, for him to do things by the book.
Boulet's new partner, Trevor Cobb, was a soldier in Afghanistan before joining the NOPD. He's tough and committed, but if he's less than comfortable with Boulet's methods, it's because he's harboring a dark secret. Cobb has come to New Orleans seeking redemption, but redemption can be dangerous. Will Boulet be able to trust him? Will Cobb's past endanger them both?
From the Victorian mansions of the Garden District to the rubble of the Lower 9th Ward. In the aftermath of Katrina, with the future of New Orleans hanging in the balance ... the stakes could not be higher.
B) New AmsterdamThe story of a New York homicide detective unlike any other. He is brilliant, mysterious, reckless, magnetic, unknowable. And he has a profound secret he is immortal.
In 1642, John Amsterdam, then a Dutch solider in the colony of New Amsterdam later to become New York City stepped in front of a sword intended for a Native Indian girl during a massacre of her indigenous tribe. The girl in turn rescued Amsterdam, weaving an ancient spell that conferred immortality upon him. Amsterdam will not age, she told him, until he finds his one true love. Only then will he become whole and ready for mortality.
But Amsterdam has found this to be a mixed blessing. Over the course of three centuries, he's experienced endless adventure and honed his many talents. But everyone Amsterdam meets must leave him in time; lovers and children die while he remains young. His sole confidante and lifelong friend is the sage jazz club owner Omar, the keeper of Amsterdam's secret, as well as a few of his own.
As the exhilaration of eternal life has given way to emotional isolation and bitter loneliness, Amsterdam discovers the blessing has become a curse. Having witnessed its entire history, from colonial outpost to mega-metropolis, John Amsterdam is the living embodiment of New York City. He and the island of Manhattan are now part and parcel of each other.
Bringing to bear the unorthodox techniques and unique knowledge gained from his vast life experience, Amsterdam today is one of the NYPD's best homicide detectives, sparring with his vibrant, strong-willed partner Eva Marquez as they solve difficult murder cases.
But when Amsterdam suffers and then recovers from what appears to be a massive heart attack while chasing a suspect, and Dr. Sara Dillane pronounces him dead in the ER, he realizes that the Indian girl's prophesy may have come true he felt the pain in his heart that she had foretold so long ago. His soul mate must have been nearby.
As he works to find a killer on the streets of New York, Amsterdam understands that his own life and possibly his death have changed forever.
C) Back to You The 90s, the local TV news scene in Pittsburgh was dominated by one team: Chuck Darling (Kelsey Grammer) and Kelly Carr (Patricia Heaton). They had that elusive quality all news teams need: chemistry ... at least on-screen.
Off-screen, Chuck was a bit of an egomaniacal womanizer, Kelly a bit of an uptight know-it-all. So when Chuck got the call to move up to a larger market, no tears were shed. Now, after an embarrassing newscast tirade ends up on the Internet, Chuck finds himself on the downswing career-wise. He's even questioning whether his lifestyle of chasing women and living in hotels is as exciting as it used to be.
So when he gets the call to return to Pittsburgh, to reunite with Kelly and try to take the newscast back to No. 1, it's an offer he can't refuse. Back in Pittsburgh, Chuck has a couple of new co-workers: Montana Diaz Herrera, the perky, sexy, somewhat inept weather anchor, and Ryan Church, the overstressed news director.
There are also familiar faces like Marsh McGinley, the affable, endlessly inappropriate sports anchor, and Gary Crezyzewski, pronounced Kre-shoov-ski, the perennially put-upon field reporter who always seems to get left out in the snow. But, mostly, there's Kelly, now a single mom to 10-year-old Gracie .
There was magic between them once. Can they find it again?
D) The Return of Jezebel JamesCan two estranged sisters, polar opposites, really raise a baby together?
Sarah Thomkins (Parker Posey) is a bright, optimistic, determined woman who seems to have it all a great job as a children's book editor, an eager-to-please assistant, Buddy, who helps keep her life together, and a no-strings-attached relationship with successful businessman Marcus Sonti.
Nevertheless, as her father, is constantly pointing out, something is missing from Sarah's life. Her hard work may garner accolades, but when she goes home at night, she is very much alone. All too aware that she isn't getting any younger, Sarah decides to have a baby on her own and gets the shock of her life when the doctor tells her she can't get pregnant.
Having no concept of the term "can't," she wills herself to execute a plan. With nowhere else to turn, Sarah sets up a meeting with her quirky younger sister, Coco (Lauren Ambrose), and asks her to carry her baby. They haven't seen each other in a while, and at first Coco refuses to go along with such a huge favor.
But something happens when Sarah mentions that she's turned Coco's imaginary childhood friend Jezebel James into a children's book. Even though she doesn't say so out loud, Coco is clearly touched, and, realizing that her current living situation sharing a couch with her friend's sick cat isn't working out, Coco decides this just might be worth a try.
E) Canterbury's LawElizabeth Canterbury (Julianna Margulies) is a force of nature. An attorney on the rise, she puts her career on the line to take on risky and unpopular cases, even when they take a toll on her personal life.
Elizabeth and her law professor husband Matthew Canterbury (Linus Roach), haunted by the disappearance of their young son, have settled in Providence, Rhode Island, in an attempt to distance themselves from the tragedy and put their relationship back together. But those goals become elusive whenever Elizabeth's work provides a stark reminder of the justice absent in their own lives.
At the office, Canterbury has surrounded herself with a brilliant but motley crew of attorneys. Russell Cross was forced out of the Providence District Attorney's Office when he went toe-to-toe with his morally bankrupt boss, D.A. Zach Williams. His reputation tarnished, Russell turned to Canterbury, the only attorney willing to take him in. Now Russell provides a much-needed voice of reason for Canterbury even when she doesn't want to hear it, his position of influence well-earned by their years of friendship.
Chester Fields and Molly McConnell are the associates rounding out Canterbury's legal crew. Chester is a blue-blooded congressman's son who is embarrassed by his privileged upbringing and has turned his back on politics. Molly, in contrast, is headstrong, passionate and quick to take sides even if she finds herself in the opposite corner from Canterbury.
F) The Sarah Connor ChroniclesAn intense new drama based on the celebrated heroine of the "Terminator" movies: Sarah Connor. At the end of "Terminator 2: Judgment Day," Sarah vanquished the liquid metal Terminator sent from the future to kill her teenage son, John.
Sarah and John now find themselves alone in a very dangerous, complicated world. Fugitives from the law, they are confronted with the reality that still more enemies from the future, and the present, could attack at any moment.
This reveals what happens when Sarah Connor (Lena Headey) stops running and goes on the offensive against an ever-evolving technological enemy bent on destroying her life, and perhaps the world. Her son, 15-year-old John Connor (Thomas Dekker), knows that he may be the future savior of mankind, but is not yet ready to take on the mantle of leadership that he's told is his destiny.
John finds himself inextricably drawn to Cameron, an enigmatic and otherworldly student at his high school, who soon proves to be much more than his confidante she assumes the role of Sarah and John's fearless protector.
On their trail are not only threats from the future, but an intelligent and tough FBI agent, James Ellison, who soon becomes a powerful ally.
G) The Rules for Starting OverDating is like going to the farmers market if you get there early, there's plenty of fruit, all ripe, juicy and yours for the taking. That's dating in your 20s.
But if you get there at closing time, it's a completely different story. What little fruit is left has been sitting in the sun all day. It's been dropped, squeezed and handled by a thousand different people. That's dating in your 30s. Set in Boston, a group of newly single friends learn the painful lessons of starting over in their 30s. They'd all love to get re-married, if they could just find their true loves.
Jack 'Gator' Gately is a charismatic, optimistic leader who never expected to be single again. But now that he is, he's determined to make the best of it. He's going to sift through all the bruised, damaged, occasionally psychotic fruit until he finds "the one." Along the way, Gator and his buddies will chronicle their dating misadventures in a cautionary list of dating don'ts, such as: "if she's still nursing, it's too soon," "learn to identify gang tattoos" and "Pretty Woman' is not a documentary."
Joining Gator in bachelorhood redux is his thrice-divorced best friend Tommy. The founder and brewmaster of an upstart microbrewery, Tommy has a voracious appetite for everything food, beer and women. He falls in love easily and always disastrously, yet truly hopes his fourth starter marriage will be "the one."
Also single again is Gator's college roommate Bill, a successful but hopelessly nave surgeon. Bill is probably the least equipped of the group to handle this life change. While he can execute a triple bypass in his sleep, he's all thumbs when it comes to the opposite sex.
Rounding out the group is Kate, a smart, successful attorney who handled all three of the boys' divorces. Having just turned 30, Kate finds herself dumped after a seven-year engagement. She reluctantly joins the guys in negotiating the treacherous waters of dating after 29. Kate owns the brownstone next to Gator's. Over time, this pair may find that "the one" is just a brick wall away.
5 kommentarer:
Hej! Vill bara lovprisa dig för en Jättebra blogg, du är en topp3 av mina favoritbloggar. Ofta vidarebefodrar jag saker du skriver till min sambo, så han vet nu mycket väl vem "Du vet han som skriver så bra nyhetsgrejer om alla program?" är. :) Tack!
Kitchen nightmares är riktigt bra. Men jag har liiite svårt för Ramsey.
eline: Oj. Tack! Om du visste vad jag slickar i mig sådant där beröm från folk jag inte känner. Så trevligt. Tack igen!
Alltid kul att få lite mess från folk som läser också - alla borde skriva något! :)
€5*: Näää. Har du? Han är ju underbar! :)
Men han är såååå elak ibland. Jag tycker synd om offren :(
2000-talssjukdom. :)
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